About our company and myself
We (Bioanim, http://www.bioanim.com ) are a SME from Slovenia, interested to cooperate with you. We started to participate in EU projects in 1999 and have been since involved in FP5, FP6, FP7, Lifelong learning and other types of EU projects. My company Amnim PIC number is 990486013. We design and produce (web)3D visualizations and e-learning software, especially from the field of biology, ecology or medicine.
Our specialty is the production of educational material in 3D virtual reality - typically including a strong flavor of gamification (edutainment style). As we live in space it is, especially in the case of biological and medical topics, natural also to learn about them in the (virtual) space. In the last time we are especially proud of our virtual reality apps for iPad and Android devices - try our ear project which you can download for free from http://www.bioanim.com
I am a biologist, I made my Ph.D. on the nervous system of insects (crickets) and worked for ten years on the institute of biology as a pure scientist. Then I discovered the educational possibilities that were made possible by the computer boom in the nineties. So for the last 19 years I have been designing and producing educational softw are in the virtual reality with my company Amnim d.o.o. I managed to survive because I combine my bio-medical expertise with the knowledge of computer visualization and coding. This is very practical also in the EU projects where for this reason my company is very cost effective.
Tomaz Amon Ph.D., CEO - contact: tomaz.amon@bioanim.com
Our company profile and recent projects
Bioanim (Amnim d.o.o., http://www.bioanim.com ), center for scientific visualization Ljubljana, Slovenia, produces educational and scientific software projects containing animations in web virtual reality about the structure and function of the cell, tissue, human body and other topics from the field of biology or medicine. We develop products helping to learn about those topics in biology or medicine that are hard to understand from the textbooks only.
We are intensively engaged in establishing the educati= onal bridges between Europe and Asia. Our initiative is to use the modern natural science education to ease the understanding between Asia and Europe. We are proud to have become the member of the Euro-Asia Silk Route Initiative http://www.fonsr.org
Some of Bioanim projects:
1986-1996 Design and programming of the Neuro Event Manager – a computer program for the analysis of the electrophysiological data (1MB source code, more than 200 batch commands).
1996-2000 Design and programming of the computer visualizations of the
biological structures and functions
1996-97 Multimedial software package "Electrical
phenomena in the living cell" supported by Ministry of Education of
Slovenia and acknowledged as an official educational tool in slovene schools.
1998 Sense organs – educational software package.
Supported by Ministry of Education of Slovenia and acknowledged as an official
educational tool in slovene schools
1999 Systems of Organs I. and Cell-Tissue-Human Body. Both Educational software
packages were supported by Ministry of Education of Slovenia and acknowledged
as an official educational tool in slovene
1999 Tomaz Amon joins the IST project Web-based Standard Educational Tools(WebSET, IST-1999-106=
32)as a
member of the UMA (SME company) team. The goal of the WebSET
project was to develop and use advanced Web-based technologies to implement
innovative cost-effective learning tools that can be run on any workstation
platform including a standard PC of average capacity.
2000 The software package "Cell-Tissue-Human Body" has been selected
for inclusion in the Awesome Library, a collection of the top 5% of sites in
the field of K-12 education.
2002 Bioanim becomes a partner in the IST project
(IST-2001-34204) named School LABoratory anticipating
FUTURE needs of European Youth (LAB@FUTURE). LAB@FUTURE=
experimented in Social
Constructivism, combination and
dialogue with activity theory, focusing on expansive learning, within a mix=
and augmented realities set-up, enabling mobile eLearning.
2002 Bioanim becomes a partner in the Socrates -
Minerva project named "LearningFolders (LeFo) "- open source online educational publishing and
support for primary schools. (Minerva 100152-CP-1-2002-1-EE-MINERVA-M)
2003 Tomaz Amon becomes a member in the research group LMSE - Laboratory of
Microsensor Structures and Electronics, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
2004 Bioanim becomes a partner in the Socrates -
Minerva project Radiation Games in Virtual Reality
2005 Bioanim becomes a partner in the IST proje=
Cinema and Science (CISCI) 6th Framework, Contract.Nr.FP6-511114
2005 Bioanim becomes a partner in the Leonardo
project Improving Nascent Skills to Produce Interactive Resources for Educa=
(INSPIRE), Leonardo da Vinci Community action programme on vocational training Procedure B (Second
NETWORKS,AGREEMENT n° 2005 -UK/05/B/F/PP-162_305.
2006 The Silk Route Agreement established with Bioanim
as one of its partners. International Association for the Advanced Use of
Information and Communication Technology in Learning (also called the Silk
Route Agreement) is a non-governmental, academic organization dedicated to =
advanced research of the theory, practice and quality of learning and teach=
with the help of ICT. The member states are Germany (coordinator), China,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Slovenia (Bioanim),
USA, Spain… http://www.fonsr.org
2008 Bioanim becomes a partner in
the project Scenario Development for Lifelong Learning in 3D multi-user environments
(LLL3D, Project No. 135450-LLP-1-2007-1-DE-KA3-KA3MP). LLL3D aims to improve the quality of
lifelong learning by introducing learning scenarios for a new ICT-based
learning platform to the community of educators in Lifelong Learning in Europe,
promotes high performance in teaching and learning by promoting an pedagogical
approach, which is able to integrate several different pedagogies available
to now only singular using different web-based learning environments, and
develops innovative approaches of Lifelong Learning in Europe within a European
dimension and connexion of different
target-group-related communities in the field.
2009 Bioanim becomes partner in the Slovene project
“e-content for the continous development in
Slovenia” partially funded by EU funds: projekt
št. 3311-09-303016 v okviru
Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov za obdobje
z Ministrstvom za šolstvo in šport Republike Slovenije dne 17.4.2009
2009 Bioanim becomes partner in the TErenCe—An Adaptive Learning System for Reasoni=
about Stories with Poor Comprehenders and their
Educators. Collaborative project. FP7-ICT-2009-5,
project number: 257410
2014 Bioanim becomes partner in the TEMPUS project:
Establishment of Innovative Multidisciplinary Centres
for the Development of Virtual Laboratories in Biology and Medicine (EMICVL
Start date – December 1st 2013. Proj.No.: 54428-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPCR)
2017 Bioanim becomes partner in the ERASMUS pro=
WOMEN POWER CODE. Proj.No.: 2017-1-UK01-KA204-036557
2020 Bioanim becomes partner in the ERASMUS pro=
Tomaz Amon Ph.D.
Center for scientific visualization
email: tomaz.amon@bioanim.com
Skype name: tomazam1
Wechat TomazAmon
Postal address:
Tomaz Amon
Na Vidmu 65
4201 Zgornja Besnica,
Slovenia, Europe