Our Activities in 2020
201129 CeBMI promoted on the CAMOT university in Great Britain

201118 CeBMI promoted at the CEEC Cangzhou

The Cooperation and Exchange Conference between China and CEEC SMEs 2020 in Beijing on 18th November 2020. The Conference was in form of online and offline. The event was organized by China Centre for Promotion of SME Development, China International Cooperation Association of Small Medium Enterprises, Secretariat for Cooperation between China and CEEC, China-CEEC SME Cooperation Zone in Cangzhou.
201111 CeBMI promoted at the CHTF B2B Shenzen

It is a great honor to send you an invitation to participate in the CHTF exhibition through the introduction of the China-CEEC SME Cooperation Zone in Cangzhou and Zhongjie Industrial Zone. The China High-tech Fair is held in Shenzhen China every year. It is currently the largest and most influential technology fair in China (you can log on to http://www.chtf.com/english/ to learn more about CHTF). We sincerely invite you to participate in the CHTF online exhibition and attend the online B2B Matchmaking Meeting to help you get more business cooperation opportunities (this event does not charge any fees).
201028 CeBMI promoted at the China-Europe Culture Tourism
Innovation Development (Chengdu) Summit
Innovation Development (Chengdu) Summit

Recovery of Culture and Tourism Industry After the
Epidemic. The Road to the 2020 European Capital of Smart Tourism. Smart Tourism in the Post-Epidemic Era. The Culture Innovation in the Culture Tourism Industry.
Epidemic. The Road to the 2020 European Capital of Smart Tourism. Smart Tourism in the Post-Epidemic Era. The Culture Innovation in the Culture Tourism Industry.
201020 CeBMI promoted at the global technology forum

Global Tech Forum: US, China and Europe, Coopetition v.s . Competition. Call for collaboration on Digital Twin projects China Digital Strategy for EU industrial SMEs. Digital China Europe Network. China Expert Services. China is dependent on foreign high tech know how.
200918 CeBMI promoted in the About data security lecture

Personal cyber protection security in Slovenia
200915 CeBMI promoted at the Use of virtual reality in education virtual booth
virtual stand on the fair in Beijing
200915 CeBMI promoted at meeting in Zanigrad, Slovenija

200905 CeBMI promoted at Beijing Sub Forum on International Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Greetings from Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (BPAFFC). The pandemic may have stopped us from meeting in person but cannot stop our friendship. Thank you for your interest in Beijing International forum on people to people friendship. Now the Sub Forum on International Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Belt & Road Initiative, organized by BPAFFC and others, will be hosted on the afternoon of September 5 as part of 2020 China International Fair for Trade in Services, with the theme of “Promote International Youth Cooperation and Innovative Development in the Belt & Road Initiative”. Topics for discussion include International youth innovative development platform exchanges as well as thoughts and ideas on youth entrepreneurship. We sincerely invite you to attend the forum online. Chinese-English Simultaneous Interpretation will be provided.
200902 CeBMI promoted at Beijing International Forum on People-to-People Friendship

The Beijing International Forum on People-to-people Friendship has been held for four sessions since 2011. The Forum adheres to the purpose of fostering friendly cooperation and common development and strives to build a bridge of friendship for friendly exchanges and cooperation among people in Beijing and other countries. We hope that all of you, both Chinese and foreign friends, will focus on the theme of this forum, conduct extensive exchanges and in-depth discussions, further enhance friendship, deepen practical cooperation and achieve even more fruitful results.
200822 CeBMI promoted at DSKP meeting in Besnica, Slovenija
200702 CeBMI promoted at the Great Wall Exposition in the Botanical garden, Ljubljana
200616 CeBMI promoted in Cangzhou CEEC
Dear Entrepreneurs in China and CEEC, Under the background of global COVID-19, in order to better fulfill the "17+1" Cooperation Mechanism, we will hold China-CEEC SME Work and Production Resumption Information Exchange Conference on 2nd June 2020. The Conference is organized by Cangzhou Municipal Government and China-CEEC SME Cooperation Zone in Cangzhou, sponsored by Secretariat for the Cooperation between China and CEEC and Croatian SME Cooperation Network, supported by SME Bureau of MIIT of China and Embassies of CEEC in China. With theme of "Enhance Information Exchange, Activate Business Cooperation", the conference aims to build an online platform to promote cooperation, and assist SMEs from China and CEEC to jointly solve problems related to the resumption of work and production during the COVID-19.We sincerely invite you to participate in this online conference.
200420 CeBMI promoted in Ningbo

Presentation of our work in Ningbo, China
200315 CeBMI meeting in Zilina, Slovakia
200214 CeBMI promoted in Hundheim, Germany

200122 CeBMI promoted in Leeuwarden, Netherlands

200110 CeBMI promoted at EU SME centre